...器名称;发送字节数(so—bytes)-服务器发送的字节数;接 收字节数(cs.bytes):服务器收到的字节数;所花时间(time-taken):完成浏览所花费的时问; 协议版本(version):传输用的协议版本:主机(host):服务器的操作系统;Cookie(Cookie): Cooki...
time taken 实际时间 ; 允许的时间
time taken by program 程序花费的时间
Time taken for tests 总耗时 ; 完成所有请求的时间合计 ; 表示所有这些请求被处理完成所要花费的总时间
He's the time taken up 他让我消耗了太多精力
be taken at bed-time 临睡前服用 ; 睡前服用
In this example 'X' denotes the time taken and 'Y' denotes the distance covered.
In a journal, he recorded the time taken for each step of work preparation.
The time taken to drink a beer fell to an average 11.45 minutes from 14.51 minutes.
Or Augustus--he had taken the title Augustus by this time, which means "the great"--he himself said, "I transferred the Republic from my power to the dominion of the Senate and the people of Rome."
The brief excerpt you have in your photocopy packet-- - I trust that you have picked it up by this time at Tyco -- from Empson is taken from Seven Types of Ambiguity.