矫大羽以其三十多年收藏的古董袋表为内容,著书《袋表世界》(TIME IN POCKET),并在世界各地发行迄今为止,此书为亚洲唯一的个人袋表收藏专著,欧美、日本等著名钟表博物馆均有收藏,亦作为瑞士日内瓦一所钟...
Vintage Time In Pocket 跨越时空的口袋艺术
Must we face the thought that at some time in the distant future everyone will need to carry in their handbag or pocket one of the miniature calculators?
However she has no time to replace it in his jacket and she must put it in her own pocket.
I'd wait until we saw a sign reminding citizens to beware of pickpockets, and I would pretend to be reminded of the time I caught a thief with his hand in my pocket at a noodle stall in Guilin.
He has all the information he knows that has been reported on the various elements on file cards He even carried them around in his pocket and he would look at them from time to time and try to devise a scheme.