...时不变系统和时变系统 只要初始状态不变,系统的输出仅取决于输入而与输入的起始作用时刻无关,这种特性称 为时不变性。具有时不变特性的系统为时不变系统(time invariant system) 。不具有时不变特 性的系统为时变系统(time varying system) 。
... 时间表 time schedule; time card; timetable; schedule 时间不变系统 time invariant system 时间不可逆性 time irreversibility ...
... 断续系统 discontinous system 定常系统、非时变系统 time invariant system 多变量系统 multivariable system ...
time-invariant system [自] 非时变系统 ; 时间恒定系统 ; [自] 定常系统 ; [自] 时不变系统
Linear Time-invariant System 线性时不变系统 ; 线性非时变系统 ; 线性卷积
linear time invariant system 线性时不变系统
fractional order linear time-invariant system 分数阶线形定常系统
linear time-invariant control system [自] 线性定常控制系统
liner time-invariant system 线性定常系统
time invariant system model 时不变模型
nonlinear time-invariant system 非线性定常系统
quadratic time-invariant system 二次时不变系统
The integrated design problem of feedback controller and robust fault detection filter is studied for uncertain linear time invariant system.
This paper presents the time domain analysis of three orders discrete system by power series, which can study not only the time invariant system, but also the time variant system.
A simple neural network structure and its learning algorithm are presented for the purpose of system identification of a linear time invariant system which is represented by the state space equation.