Time-out timer 发射时长限制 ; 超时禁发
Time Out Timer Stool 沙漏定时凳
Time-out-Timer 发射时长TOT
Time-out t Timer 超时禁发
Modifying the Power Timer Time-out 更改测试时间计数器
You can set the timer to turn the audio off after whatever amount of time suits you, and you can make it fade out quietly.
As of March 2006, there is a bug that resets this variable the first time the timer on the flow timers out.
Note: to those who participate in the mini marathon have to fill out the results of the competition by themselves according to the time on the timer.
注: 参加迷你比赛者需根据终点计时器显示的时间自行填写比赛成绩。