Tip: Take extra care for drivers that include features like TTL (Time to Live), such as connection-oriented networking device drivers.
提示: 对于那些具有 TTL(生存时间)的驱动程序要格外注意,例如面向连接的网络设备驱动程序。
Computers cache the name-to-IP mapping for a certain period of time, known as the time to live (TTL), to reduce overall response time.
计算机将这个名称缓存到IP映射一段时间,这个时间段称为time to live (ttl),以减少总响应时间。
For instance, the inventory response for the parts from an automotive dealership includes a Time-To-Live (TTL) element.
比方说,汽车零售商的零件目录响应中包含一个Time - To - Live (ttl)元素。