新奥尔良的《时代花絮报》(Times Picayune)和其他大城市日报以及瑞典、德国、法国和英国的报纸案例研究展示了稳定的文化结构和经济技术变革间如何碰撞融合,如何打造新的新...
Times-Picayune 皮卡尤恩时报 ; 皮卡云时报 ; 时代
New Orleans Times-Picayune 新奥尔良花絮时报
The Times-Picayune 皮卡尤恩时报 ; 皮卡优恩时报 ; 时代花絮报
The Times Picayune 皮卡尤恩时报
new orleans times picayune 新奥尔良时代花絮报
Naked Wedding Times-Picayune 裸婚时代花絮
The New Orleans Times-Picayune 新奥尔良时代花絮报
Old editions of the Times Picayune, new Orleans' daily newspaper, have been successfully used by the researchers to produce butanol from the cellulose in the paper.
这个菌株已经成功的利用新奥尔良的一份日报(Times Picayune)里面的纤维素来产生丁醇。
The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a series of four scathing editorials entitled "The Choice of Our Lives."
Through a process of gradual consolidation, New Orleans now has only one major daily, the Times-Picayune.