文件名称(Title of Document):处理疑虑和采取纠正行动程序文件编号(Document No.): YESP-10 页号(Page):文件版本(Revision No.
Document of Title to Goods 货品的所有权文件 ; 物权凭证 ; 货物处理单据
a document of title 物权凭证 ; 记名的物权凭证 ; 物权凭据
document of title 物权凭证
The title should be placed at the beginning of your document.
The data source is the title of your DB2 connection document.
数据源是 DB2 连接文档的标题。
Ensure that the template identifiers are words or graphics that exist on all copies of this form, such as the title of the form, a document ID number, or a corporate logo.
要确保模板标识符是在表格的所有副本中都存在的单词或图片,例如表格标题、文档 ID 号,或是公司 logo。