... In a spin 手忙脚乱 To be in a spin 用来形容很多事情同时发生,让人应接不暇,手忙脚乱,不知所措。 YM: Hey Jessica! How's it going? 你怎么看起来气呼呼的? ...
A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton.
As for the Spaniard, he drove a truly fantastic race, demonstrating not only his skill in going from last to fourth, after his first lap spin, but also the fact that he knows how to be a team player.
Likewise, it can be advantageous for job hunters to engage in a little spin-doctoring to show recruiters they're confident in their ability to handle a position, say career experts.