... 备份操作员群组 Backup Operators group 参照 to refer to (another document); to consult a reference 参照,对照 cross refer ...
You should consult the UDDI version 2.0 API specification as a reference for the message arguments sent to and response XML received from the respective APIs (see Resources).
您应该查阅uddi版本2.0 API规范,参考与所发送的消息参数和接收到的响应XML有关的各种API(请参阅参考资料)。
Consult reference materials included at the end of this article and participate in newsgroups to get a better understanding of these technologies and how others are using them.
I leave a detailed description of MDSD to other authors (see Numbers 5, 15, 16, and 17 in my reference list), and the reader is encouraged to consult those and other works.