When you buy a gift for some-one, you can ask the shop to gift-wrap it for you: Could you gift-wrap it for me?
当你给某人买礼物时,你可以请售货员把礼物包装起来:Could you gift - wrap it for me ?
Soon, she and her husband replaced the cornet bags that hadpreviously been used to wrap the pralines with a beautiful gift-wrappedbox that was later patented as “the ballotin.”
很快,她和老公发明了一种漂亮的礼物包装盒来替代以前使用的包装,他们的发明最终获得了名为“the ballotin”的专利。
You don't need to waste pounds on expensive gift wrap, you could use pages torn out of old magazines or catalogues and don't forget fabric.