... 跳弹 ricochet 跳动 to throb; to bounce; to pulse; to jump about; to jiggle 跳动视窗 hopping window ...
We used to jump about together many a time, did not we? When the hand-organ was in the street?
Also, the time lapse nature of part of the video causes clouds to appear to jump about and fade in an unfamiliar fashion.
These pauses typically occur at about three per second, and the eyes then jump to another spot, until several important points in the image are registered like a series of snapshots.
So the thing that I hope jumps out at you from this picture is no great guesses about figuring out this is a ?, so if the probability that the goalie's going to jump to the right is less than a ?, then the best you can do is represented by this green line, which is shoot to the right.