Change filenames to lowercase 上传文件时将文件名自动改成小写
Change Name to Lowercase 文档转为小写
Force Campaign Parameters to Lowercase 把广告系列媒介改为小写
You can get all the information within a certain tag and replace it, or you can turn all the text to lowercase.
Convert a selection of text from uppercase to lowercase (or vice versa).
The lower method converts all the characters in the calling string to lowercase.
And we reasoned that these two eventually reach some kind of an equilibrium separation which we are using lowercase r to represent.
You can brute force it and unfortunately, the so-called Caesar cipher is not very secure because if you assume, for our purposes in English alphabet with 26 characters, say all lowercase for all uppercase, my God, you only have to try like 24, 25, 26 possible rotations until you can figure out what his secret message is.
f Well, call toupper pass this lowercase F F to this function called toupper it's going to return capital F and so what do I assign to s2 bracket zero?