to maintain financial stability
... 维持一个稳定 maintain a stable 维持金融稳定 to maintain financial stability 维持关节稳定 Maintain joint stability ...
Apparently they think this will be sufficient to maintain financial stability in the near term.
It is a reasonable strategy to anchor the renminbi to the world's reserve currency, the dollar, in an effort to maintain financial stability in an all-too-unstable world.
In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.
Just as China is said to need 8% growth in order to maintain social stability, India probably needs to grow at 6% or more to maintain financial stability.
ECONOMIST: India��s economy
We believe the agreements reached were necessary and appropriate to maintain stability in our financial system during this critical time.
FORBES: Magazine Article
But we can't let anger stop us from taking the steps that are necessary to maintain the stability of the financial system, keep credit flowing.
CNN: Summers defends White House response to AIG bonuses