打道回府 to go home (in a ceremonial procession); to return home 打来回 to make a round trip; a return journey 淡化,弹回擦去 Fade, Bounce Wipe ..
来函 incoming letter; letter from afar 来回 to make a round trip; return journey; back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly 来火儿 to get angry ..
... from the beginning; always; to come of one's own accord 自来水管 water mains; service pipe 走来回 to make a round trip; a return journey ..
Checking is easy but expensive (you have to make an extra call to SimpleDB, which is slow since it's a whole HTTP round trip plus the processing time on Amazon's side).
He would not even think about lending me a helping hand with anything, yet I agreed to take the extensive eight hour round trip car ride, just to make moving less of a hassle.
Due to the influences in the solar system and from outside the solar system, the Earth will make her round trip once a year.