There are at least four different kinds of USB plugs, two kinds of FireWire and like a million different ways to connect something to TV or monitor.
While playing a game or doing something you shouldn't, just glance up at the C.H.I.M.P. Rearview Monitor Mirror to see if your boss is approaching from behind.
当你打游戏或做其它不该做的事情时,不时瞄一眼c.h.i.m . P. Rearview Monitor Mirror,看看你的老板是不是正在从你的身后偷偷接近。
Should you feel the need for something a little larger, you can hook the Eee up to a monitor via VGA and HDMI or, in the case of the more expensive model, the display can be connected wirelessly.
如果你需要大一些的部件,可以通过UGA和HDMI接口连接显示器。 对于一些价格更高的机型,也可以无线连接显示器。