to presume to 不揣冒昧
to presume such purity 假定为纯粹的事实
presume to 不揣冒昧
Presume To Work Hard 敢于拼搏
I Presume To Advocate 本人擅作主张
The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.
This approach forces this style of tagging to presume that every work item required every service and policy.
When you have an idea, proposal, or recommendation that you believe in, it's easy to presume that getting it approved will be a breeze.
My lectures are going to presume no special knowledge on your part.
And then, I presume, we would continue to enjoy it forever.
But if,unbeknownst to me,and I presume unbeknownst to you, there's somebody in Michigan right now who's got Shelly Kagan's personality, Shelly Kagan then we have to say,huh,it turns out I'm not Shelly Kagan after all.