But it would be reckless, it seems to me, to just put them aside and not ask yourself the question, "Can there be something believable at the roof of this?"
Managing thousands of details and multiple risks for each of the multimillion-dollar houses he builds, he spent years rushing around with "one foot off the ground 20 hours a day, running the same scenarios through my mind time and time again, and being unable toputitaside, " says Mr. Weissensee, 58, of Mill Valley, Calif.
However, as an investor, either you or your financial advisor (preferably both) need to be able toput emotions aside when it comes to dealing with poor performers.
If I walk outside the door today and these policies have been implemented, it would be as easy to go down the street, particularly if you're a low income, to open a savings account, toput some money aside as it is to, say, get a debit card or a store credit card or what?