Suchanniversariesoffer the opportunity for allhusbands and wives to rededicatethemselvestolove, honorandcherishtheir spouse and renew their sacredvows.
Egypt's new leader made the first foreign visit of his presidency to Saudi Arabia in what is seen as an effort torenew an alliance and offer assurances about his aims as the most visible symbol of the rise of political Islam in the region.
The State Department has turned down an offer by the government of El Salvador torenew a joint drug interdiction program that allows the U.S. Navy to base P-3 maritime search aircraft at Comalpa International airport in El Salvador.
"Whilst in the short term this will only benefit non-season ticket holders, it is my intention tooffer an additional one-game discount to those season ticket holders who renew for 2010 in the 'early bird' period when it is announced, " said O'Connor.