Ingenious teenagers can find every manner of reason to take a pass on summer school.
In the swirling midst of such processes, obviously, it would be impossible for literature alone to take a pass on such a realignment and avoid systemic change.
You will find it difficult to understand what a potential partner wants from you. You are best to observe his or her likes and dislikes before you make a move. You may want to take a pass and move on.
And that in my mind is one of the upsides of taking a course like this, pass fail, in order to take the edge off.
Here is the pitch in--of--a string an octave higher so you can see it this way. As you probably know, if you take a long string and pluck it, it's going to take that long string a long time to pass that sort of cycle, if you will, just one pass through that cycle.
这也是个音高,一个高八度的音弦,你可以这样这样看 你们可能知道,如果你拨动长弦,长弦要经过很长时间,才能完成一个震动周期,如果你想,可以尝试下