... to the north to » 北到 create start menu shortcuts » 创建开始菜单快捷方式 One man's fault is other man's lesson. » 一个人的错误是其他人的教训。 ...
... a lot of things come true,but perhaps, just a wish » 我想很多的事情来正确的但也许只是一个愿望 to the north to » 到北方 HOLD[TAB] and MOVE theMOUSE to switch EARGRETS » 举行[选项卡]和动议themouse eargrets,开关 ..
Jacques Cartier was a respected mariner, he proposed a trip to the north to investigate whether Asian lands could be reached from the north.
Teterboro, in New Jersey, the controller replied, and instructed the pilot to fly south along the Hudson River, then swing back to the north to land there.
“特忒波罗机场,在新泽西。” 交管员回答道,并指引他们沿着哈德逊河朝南飞,到那里后再掉头向北降落。
Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.