to their residential areas
... Both Residential Areas 既住宅区 To Their Residential Areas 到自己居住区 In Residential Areas 在住宅区 ...
to their residential areas
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Last week, neighborhood associations from devastated areas like Talca, Dichato and Talcahuano, as well as old residential areas in Santiago, the capital, met to discuss their situation.
Farmers lack the right to sell their land, and the supply of land for residential development near urban areas is tightly controlled.
CNN: OECD: China forecast to overtake U.S. by 2016
Created 43 years ago under a quirky Los Angeles County law that was meant to discourage overbuilding in residential areas, Industry was set up to take on the messy development others didn't want in their backyards.
FORBES: City of Greed