...dom extend in all directions lead out on all sides ] 有路通向各个方向,形容交通非常方便 [ to twist around ] 歪歪扭扭的。形容不正的样子 [ crooked ] 歪歪扭扭 不直 ..
Grip that jar lid - Place a thick rubber band around the rim of a jar lid and use it to grip the lid while you twist it off.
Try to drink around 3-5 cups a day, add a twist of lemon for extra zing.
每天喝3 - 5杯绿茶为宜,当然你可以再挤点柠檬汁来增加口感。
Twist is designed around the idea that well-abstracted test scenarios, which happen to be both semantically meaningful and declarative, can help you with test maintenance.