... TKN - total Kjeldahl nitrogen 凯氏氮总量 TOC - total organic carbon 总有机碳 TOD - total oxygen demand 总需氧量 ...
TOC Total Organic Carbon 总有机碳 ; 总有机碳含量
Simultaneity give out the chemical oxygen consumption(COD)and total organic carbon(TOC)the linear relationship equation.
The purpose of studying the correlation of total organic carbon (TOC) with permanganate index and chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been stated.
The measuring principle and property of the total organic carbon survey meter of shimadzu TOC-4100 and its application to water quality monitoring were introduced.
前言: 针对TOC的“ 燃烧氧化-红外线分析” 测定方法, 重点介绍了日本岛津公司生产的TOC-4100型总有机碳测量仪的工作原理、性能特点及其在水质监测中的应用。