One difference between today and previous surges in inflation is that theincrease over the past year has been caused mainly by food prices, which jumpedby 23%.
而和之前的通胀高企所不同的是,如今近几年来的价格增长主要由食物引起,其跃升了23% 。
Theaverage rate on a two-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 25 percent deposit was3.77 percent in July, compared with 3.67 percent the previous month, the Bankof England said in a separate report today.
英伦银行在今日发表的一份单独报告中指出,抵押贷款与定金之间的固定比率是25%,该利率已有两年保持不变。 7月平均利率是3.77%,六月的比率是3.67%。