Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 桶自动清洁剂
bakelite seat for toilet bowl 胶木坐便器座
bakelite cover for toilet bowl 坐便器胶木盖
toilet bowl cleanser 厕所用去污粉
One Dollar Toilet Bowl 一美元的抽水马桶
Toilet Bowl Cleaner 洁厕精 ; 马桶清洁剂
JonPower Toilet Bowl Cleaner 洁胜诺洁厕剂
On the rim of the toilet bowl in the south wing toilet.
Cats can be trained to use a toilet bowl instead of a litter box, follow their owners at a command, or perform a high-five.
Sometimes people forget to clean certain parts of the toiler, including the place in which the column supports the toilet bowl.