当 你 带 一 只 小 狗 回 家 , 起 初 它 一 定 会 随 处 撒 尿 , 如 果 你 不 尽 早 和它 作 如 厕 训 练 ( Toilet Train ) , 到 它 长 大 了 就 更 难 接 受 教 育 。
toilet-train 对进行大小便训练 ; 训练上厕所
Tanking train toilet 列车厕所水箱加水
Design of Train Toilet System 铁路客车节水真空厕所的系统设计
Not much is known about this show but one particular episode shows the main character, Shimajirou sitting on the toilet seat as his parents are trying to potty train him.
Rising numbers of children in the UK are starting primary school still wearing nappies, because their busy parents have failed to toilet-train them, the Daily Mail reported.
People read newspapers everywhere, in the office, at home, on the train, even in the toilet and so on.