tomato puree 蕃茄酱 ; 番茄泥 ; 番茄酱
medium tomato puree 普通番茄酱
Tomato puree and paste 番茄浓汤或糊
heavy tomato puree 高浓度番茄酱
tablespoon tomato puree 一勺番茄酱
Sugar And Tomato Puree 白糖及西红柿泥
chicken with tomato puree 蕃茄鸡肉
Canned Tomato Puree and Paste 番茄泥及番茄糊罐头
So nestle is getting out of the business of making basic wholesale products such as tomato puree and cocoa paste.
Add tomato puree, salt and 1 cup water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 20 minutes.
Add tomato puree, salt and 1 cup water; bring to a boil.