... no memory for array\' string 字符串数组空间不够 too long string 字符串太长 rEMAinder from zero divide 因除数为零导致的错误 ...
Thus, the string samuelclemens fits the criteria, but it is obviously too long for a valid user name.
因此,字符串 samuelclemens 满足条件,但是它的长度显然超出了有效用户名的范围。
Second, if a string is too long for a single line, you can wrap the string using the Python continuation character: the backslash (\).
第二,如果字符串用一行表示太长,您可以使用 Python 连续字符:反斜线 (\) 来对字符串进行折行。
She's had us all on a string for too long.