full load torque 满载转矩 ; 满载力矩 ; 全负载扭矩 ; 额定转矩
full-load torque 满载能力 ; 满载转矩
FLT Full-Load Torque 满截扭矩
full-load d torque 满载转矩
The test program will operate the permanent magnet propulsion motor up to full power (full torque and full load) in a test facility that simulates an actual U.S.Navy DDG-1000 engine room.
测试程序将在一个美海军仿真实际DDG - 1000引擎室的测试设施中操作永磁推进马达至全功率(全扭矩和全负载)。
The test program will operate the permanent magnet propulsion motor up to full power (full torque and full load) in a test facility that simulates an actual U.S. Navy DDG-1000 engine room.
测试程序将在一个美海军仿真实际DDG - 1000引擎室的测试设施中操作永磁推进马达至全功率(全扭矩和全负载)。
The test program will operate the permanent magnet propulsion motor up to full power (full torque and full load) in a test facility that simulates an actual U. S. Navy DDG-1000 engine room.