...是“现金成本(total cash cost)”,将开采、加工、精炼、相关的管理费用均考虑在内;二是“生产成本(total production cost)”,除现金成本外,还考虑了折旧、摊销和相关财务费用;三是“全面成本(all-in cost)”,也叫做“边际成本”,除生产成本外,还...
total cost of production 总生产成本 ; [会计] 生产总成本
total power production cost 总发电成本
total cost of power production 发电总费用
The total production cost was compared between the petroleum and alcohol route.
After taking these measureas, the quality of brine was improved steadily, the total production cost of chlor-alkali was decreased, and the production surroundings were improved.
For example, If a production run has generated 200 units, the total cost can be derived by taking the equation below and applying it 200 times (for units 1 to 200) and then summing the 200 values.