...123网络计划 - docin.com豆丁网 Time, EST) 和最早可能完成时间(Earliest Finish Time, EFT) • 确定总工期(Total Project Time, TPT) • 计算最迟必须完成时间(Latest Finish Time, LFT) 和最迟必须开始时间(L..
At Piehead, we build web applications on a faster pace than almost any startup, and there is very little difference in total project time between the platforms we use.
在Piehead,我们以比几乎任何创业公司更快的节奏 创建Web应用程序,而在我们使用的不同平台之间,总的项目耗时只有极细微的差距。
The total time for the project, then, is the sum of all the tasks.
We focus on simple yet critical goals: improving your return on assets, operational performance, total cost of ownership, project time-to-benefit, and shareholder value.