... 11.本年收入总额 Total revenue of the year 12.经税务机关核定的利润率 % Profit rate de- 13.应纳税所得额 Taxble income 11*12 ...
For the year ended March 31, domestic revenue was 0.54% of GDP, while total passenger revenue was 0.76% of GDP.
Indeed, revenue from the sale of land targeted for property development accounted for 84% of the total for the year.
China's fiscal revenue jumped 25.7% from a year earlier to RMB5.11 trillion in the first 7 months, roughly equivalent to the total of 2007 a whole year, the Ministry of Finance announced Wednesday.
财政部11日公布,今年1 - 7月中国实现财政收入5.11万亿元,这一规模与2007年全年水平基本相当,与去年同期相比增长25.7%。