But the road isn't finished, and at Yao Zhuang, a farming village in Zhejiang, construction puts us on a detour that lasts to the touristy waterfront town of Zhu Jia Jiao.
走到浙江境内一个叫姚庄的村子时,我们不得不转向通往上海水乡古镇朱家角的公路。 那里也是一个旅游景点。
But this isn't the case in some parts of central Bangkok, like along some stretches of the touristy Sukhumvit Road, where the feel is predominantly commercial.
而曼谷中心区的某些地方,比如游客扎堆的素坤逸路(Sukhumvit Road)上的一些地段,就不是这样。那里充斥着浓重的商业味道。