towel rack 毛巾架 ; 浴巾架 ; 纸巾架 ; 冠雅国际有限公司
Stainless steel towel rack 浴巾架 ; 品名不锈钢浴巾架
towel rack dryer 毛巾晾架
A towel rack 一个浴巾架
Active towel rack 活动毛巾架 ; 活跃的毛巾支架
Active bath towel rack 活动浴毛巾架 ; 积极浴巾架 ; 活动浴巾架
Active dual-pole towel rack 活动双杆毛巾架 ; 活跃双重杆毛巾支架
Activity Towel rack 活动毛巾架
towel rack activities 活动毛巾架
Activities towel rack 活动毛巾架
Even when I was holding onto a towel rack, the situation felt precarious.
If guest put the towel and bathrobe on the towel rack or hock, room attendant won't change them, except guest require.
I need a towel rack in the bathroom.