... tree-clad hills 树木覆盖的冈峦 tower into the sky 高耸入云 veiledclouded in mist 隐在云雾中 ...
MUMBAI — The newest andmost exclusive residential tower for this city’s superrich is a cantileveredsheath of steel and glass soaring 27 floors into the sky.
孟买——这座城市里有一座为超级富豪修建的最新潮最奢华的大厦。 这是一座由钢和玻璃组成的悬臂式建筑,高高的27层楼直耸云天。
Sixty years of the changes, China has undergone tremendous change in a tower the ground into the sky, like a mushroom, urban face-lift.
The tower itself was deliberately ambiguous with the soft forms dissolving into both the surroundings and the sky above.