至于结算的方式,有些交易市场采取总额(Gross)或逐笔交割制度(Trade for Trade)方式,有些交易市场则采取冲抵(Netting)之方式。由于抵冲方式可以有效的降低风险,因此在成交量较大的市场中特殊受到欢迎。
For assets that don't trade, or trade very little, they should work to find out what prices other hedge funds and broker-dealers that deal with similar assets are reporting.
The Senate will have a new strong advocate for free trade in Ohio senator and former U.S. trade representative Rob Portman.
Trade: This represents a physical trade that is being carried out for a customer.
Both Doctor McCarron and Doctor Alderman have connections to the Salt Institute, a trade group for the salt industry.
VOA: special.2010.03.03
Conquered peoples would trade their defeated god for the victorious god of their conquerors and eventually there would be a cultural and religious assimilation, intermarriage.
I own them in the limited sense that I can use them for myself, but I can't trade them away.