...公司用尽所有方法,要屡次地扩展经营范围(Business Scope),该公司(Company)车辆在没有(No)途径营运许可证和营运证(Trading Card),非要强行采纳各种措施到场各乡镇营运?如果以上你通通都能哄到,那么恭喜你,你的人生一定值得你炫耀。
Trading Card Game 换式卡牌游戏 ; 卡牌游戏英文 ; 卡片游戏
Marvel Trading Card Game 漫画英雄卡片游戏 ; 漫画英雄卡片对战 ; 漫画英雄
Pokemon Trading Card Game 不正确的玩法 ; 口袋妖怪卡片游戏 ; 口袋怪兽卡片交易
trading card games 换式纸牌游戏 ; 卡牌游戏
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game 换式卡牌游戏
Pokémon Trading Card Game 口袋卡片 ; 口袋妖怪卡片 ; 口袋妖怪TCG
Pokémon Trading Card Game Online 口袋妖怪在线交换卡片
N-COUNT A trading card is one of a set of thin pieces of cardboard with a picture relating to a particular theme, such as baseball or football, printed on it. Collectors buy the cards or trade them with other collectors. 收藏卡 [美国英语]
Now collectors can choose trading cards from a variety of sports.
I wan to meet all my Chinese Labberz and sign your trading card.
Have you been itching to try out the new World of Warcraft Trading Card Game?
I found his soccer "trading card" at age six and a Mother's Day card from the year he was nine with coupons4 for extra chores neck rubs and breakfast in bed.