两天前,股市大跌,这本来没什么,但有个权证什么的,说是最后交易日(Trading Day),专家提醒大家不要碰它,说它会归零,但我却认为(Think)是一次机会,结果一开盘就冲进去,后来我发觉我进去的价格是这一天最高价...
事实上,“结果交易日(Trading Day)”和“到期日”并不雷同:“结果交易日”指的是权证能够在二级商场上举行交往的末了一天,过了终末交易日(Trading Day),权证将不...
所以,尤其是在权证(E)的末了交易日(Trading Day),人生奋斗的诀窍就是经营自己的长处。经营自己的长处能给你的人生增值,经营自己的短处必然使你的人生贬值。
Last Trading Day [贸易] 最后交易日 ; 最后交易日 ; 抵销交货最后日 ; 最后交易日来源
bank trading day 银行营业日
zero-trading day 零交易日
haha trading day 交易日
day trading 当日冲销 ; 当日交易 ; 日交易
Last Trading Day LTD 最后交易日
final trading day 最后交易日
Day-trading 当日冲销
one trading day 一交易日
以上来源于: WordNet
The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labour Day holiday.
Shares of Yahoo slipped by more than 3% by the end of the trading day.
Merck closed the regular hours trading day down 6% and Schering-Plough lost more than 11%.
said a banking expert. "Day trading" is a system that lets investors trade directly on an electronic market system.
VOA: special.2009.04.26
Day trading companies provide a desk and a computer system to an investor who wants to trade.
VOA: special.2009.04.26
Only about thirty percent succeed in earning enough from their efforts to continue day trading.
VOA: special.2009.04.26