...型和复 杂句式;2)根据语言环境使用陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹句,以使文章富有变化、表述生动; 3)发挥连接词(transitional words)的起承转合作用,使所写文章结构紧凑,内容连贯,符合英 语表达习惯、得体自然。
transitional words or phrases 转换词语 ; 转换词和词组
Classification of Transitional Words 过渡词的分类
Transitional Words in Compositions 过渡词
Transitional Words and Phrases 过渡性词语 ; 渡性词语
transitional words and expressions 转折词语
Transitional Words that SUMMARIZE 过渡词
Transitional Words that EMPHASIZE 过渡词
Transitional words and phrases should be used to connect your thoughts to the references.
The present paper attempts to make a study of transitional words in writing, focusing on their definition, category and significance.
Finally, it points out that it is necessary to master some commonly used transitional words and some useful expressions for paragraphs beginning in order to make them natural, coherent and logical.