transmission time [计] [通信] 传输时间
free-transmission time 空行程时间
echo transmission time [电子] 回波传递时间
ideal transmission time 理想传输时间
valid transmission time 有效传输时间
pulse transmission time 脉博传递时间
signal transmission time 信号传输时间
colonic transmission time 结肠通过时间
overall transmission time 总体传输时间
This increase in message size effectively results in an increase in data transmission time.
You can also reduce the size of the objects returned (and thus the network transmission time) simply by optimizing your object design to not include unnecessary fields.
The following graph demonstrates that compression has a positive impact on transmission time for 128K line speeds or less for HTML content of this size.
下面的图表说明,对于这么大的 HTML 内容,压缩会对 128K 或更低速的线路上的传输时间产生积极影响。