对于任何一种绑定类型,消息编码绑定元素(Message Encoding Binding Element)和传输绑定元素(Transport Binding Element)是不可或缺的,一般来说前者位于后者之上。
The purpose of this element is to declare that you are going to use SOAP as a binding and transport service.
The wsoap: protocol attribute of the binding element gets a new URL reflecting a JMS transport.
绑定元素的wsoap: protocol属性获取一个反映JMS传输的新的URL。
A soap: binding element inside WSDL: operation can also specify preferred transport and messaging style (Document versus RPC).
operation内的soap: binding元素同样能够定义首选的传输和消息方式(文档或者RPC)。