trawl net 在船后拖着或拉着的网 ; [水产] 拖网 ; 拖网渔网
trawl net general 拖网概论
four-piece trawl net 四片网拖网具
four-seam trawl net 四片网拖网具
box-type otter trawl net 四片型拖网具
seam trawl net 四片网拖网具
piece trawl net 四片网拖网具
vertical opening of trawl net 拖网网口高 ; 拖网垂直网口
The experimental results showed that the net structure was reasonable and the trawl performance was fine.
The experimental results show that the net structure is reasonable and trawl performance is fine.
Trawl net, purse Seine, Fish Pond Nets, set net, light net, drag net, golf net, used for catching and breeding in deep sea, Shallow sea, Inland river, Inland Lake and used for sport net.