15 施约瑟对长江中下游各条约口岸(treaty ports)进行勘查,他发现除了九江之外,其他沿江城市因太平天国之乱 (1850-1864) 16 而变得残破不堪。
十九世纪中叶当前,海口成为条约通商口岸(treaty port),东方内政官、军人和游览家陆续进入海南岛,调查这里的自然天文及人文传统,传教士也不时涌入。
treaty port system 条约口岸
non-treaty port 自开商埠
non treaty port 非条约口岸
the treaty port network 通商口岸体系
treaty-port 商港
treaty port detail 通商港口
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in China, Japan, and Korea during the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century) a city, esp a port, in which foreigners, esp Westerners, were allowed by treaty to conduct trade (在19世纪后半叶至20世纪前半叶的东亚)通商口岸
"Non-treaty Port" was different from treaty port in modern China.
The non treaty port is one of the important types of trading ports in modern China.
A city of northeast China on the Gulf of Bo Hai east of Beijing. It was formerly a treaty port. Population, 300, 000.