... Grape (Vitis 'New York Muscat')葡萄 Tree fern (Dicksonia antarctica)软树蕨 Bamboo (Fargesia nitida)华西箭竹 ...
East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊
tree-fern family 桫椤科
Blue Tree Fern 大羽桫椤
Spinulose Tree Fern Buffet Restaurant 自助餐厅
Spiny Tree Fern 刺树蕨
Black Tree Fern 黑树蕨
Common Tree-fern 笔筒树
Hawaiian Tree Fern 夏威夷树蕨
以上来源于: WordNet
N any of numerous large tropical ferns, mainly of the family Cyatheaceae, having a trunklike stem bearing fronds at the top 树蕨
Biological study and observation of the tree fern Alsophila spinulosa.
Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic.
After more than30years protection the islet is the cover taiwan acacia the beefwood the black pine and the mountain cuckoo the myrtle the tree fern the awn winnow basket just like virgin forest.