...0% 的珊瑚死亡可能就是由于核果螺的爆发。核果螺的爆发可能是因为当地过度捕捞而使核果螺缺少鱼类天敌,比如鳞鲀(triggerfish)、刺鲀(porcupinefish)、隆头鱼(wrasses)、鲷鱼(snappers)、帝王鳊(emperor breams)等。
clown triggerfish 花斑拟鳞鲀 ; 小丑炮弹 ; 小丑鲀 ; 小丑尾
Bridled Triggerfish 黄纹鼓气鳞鲀
Pinktail Triggerfish 玻璃炮弹
Undulate Triggerfish 黄纹炮弹
Niger Triggerfish 魔鬼炮弹
Titan triggerfish 泰坦炮弹 ; 泰坦鲀 ; 扳机鱼
Black Triggerfish 黑炮弹 ; 黑尾 ; 黑鲀
以上来源于: WordNet
N any plectognath fish of the family Balistidae, of tropical and temperate seas. They have a compressed body with erectile spines in the first dorsal fin 鳞鲀科鱼
The Triggerfish dive school software is provided as a management tool for your scuba dive school.
The Clown Triggerfish or Big-spotted Triggerfish is one of the most spectacular looking marine species.
By measuring the changes in the curvature of the eye caused by a build-up of internal pressure, Sensimed's Triggerfish lens can build up a much more accurate profile.