arsenic trioxide [无化] 三氧化二砷 ; 砒霜 ; 亚砷酸
Arsenic Trioxide for Injection 注射用三氧化二砷
Compound Arsenic Trioxide Paste 复方三氧化二砷糊剂
Arsenic Trioxide for Jnjection 注射用三氧化二砷
arsenic trioxide injectio As2O3注射液
Arsenic trioxide syndrome 亚砷酸综合征
arsenic trioxide devitalizer [口腔] 亚砷酸牙髓失活剂
The production of arsenic trioxide is controlled by electrics and instrument, with all electrical equipment, units and valves automatically controlled by DCS or remote operation.
Objective: to investigate the apoptosis inducing function of arsenic trioxide on CML cell line K562 in vitro and elucidate the possible cellular and molecular mechanisms.
Objective to investigate the effect of bortezomib alone and in combination with arsenic trioxide on apoptosis of HL-60 cells.
目的探讨硼替佐米单独或联合了氧化二砷对HL - 60细胞凋亡的影响。