...工程智能设计分会 关键词:EPON 三网合一 光纤到户 IPTV [gap=248]Keywords: Ethernet Passive Optical Network, Triple-play, Fiber To The Home, Internet Protocol Television ..
小区三网融合业务FTTH方案设计 - 宽带 - 优领域 - 在优领域,找到您想要的! 关键词】三网融合;光纤到户;QinQ [gap=618]Key words】triple-play;FTTH;QinQ
Triple Play 三杀 ; 三网融合
Triple Play Service 即所谓的三网合一业务
Mobile Triple Play 移动三重业务整合 ; 整合 ; 移动三合一 ; 移动三重唱
Triple Play Baseball 美国职棒大联盟 ; 三重杀棒球 ; EA棒球
Triple play box 产品简介产品名称三网合一箱 ; 三网合一箱
unassisted triple play 独力再见三杀
Triple Play Gold 美国职棒三杀黄金版
Triple play brings convenience for the users and impact for telecom carriers.
参考来源 - 三网融合下电信业务平台及终端融合趋势探析Triple play provides opportunities for the development of broadband service of telecom carriers. It firstly analyzes the progress of triple play abroad and the development experience,discusses the triple play development strategy for all service carriers.
参考来源 - 电信运营商三网融合发展策略的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N the supply to a customer by one provider of telephone, internet, and television services (电话、网络和电视)三网合一服务
Telecom Italia has launched fixedline triple-play services in both France and Germany, and Deutsche Telekom is doing so in France and Spain.
还有,意大利电信已经在法国和德国经营起一固定电线为基础的“三重奏”式捆绑服务。 此种业务德国电信也同样在法国和西班牙经营着。
Triple play is the common term for the discussion of the voice, video, and data networks converging on Internet Protocol.
Telmex's business has been further weakened by the emergence of "triple play" providers which offer phone, Internet and television by cable.