公布 中文名称:真彩色影像 英文名称:true color image 定义:比较真实地反映地物原来彩色的影像。 应用学科: 地理学(一级学科); 遥感应用(二级学科) 真彩色(true color) 真彩色是指在组成一幅
3. 真彩色图像 ( true color image ):也称RGB图像,指24位图像中的每个像素都可分 解成R、G、B三个基色分量,每个分量占用8位,表示的强度是2s=256级,整幅图像 ...
true color image grabbing card 真彩色图像采集卡
True color image display- 真彩色图像显示
true color map image 真彩色地图图像
true color city image map 真彩色城市影像地图
true color medical image analysis 真彩色医学图像分析
Because SGW-93 system is based on the microcomputer and true color image processing adapter, the popularity, practicality, expansibility, and ratio between price and property are good.
由于SGW - 93系统是一个建立在微机和真彩色图像卡硬件平台上的系统,因此,就其通用性、实用性、可扩展性、性能价格比而言,效果明显。
This true-color image captures such a bloom in the Ross Sea on January 22, 2011, as viewed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite.
The photo-like true-color image acquired a few hours later shows plumes of sediment washed into the ocean along the coast and a dark plume of smoke near Sendai.