陌生人社交三十六计(中英文对照) ... 下文将提供一些社交指南,教你如何与陌生人搭讪。读了这个,你就知道什么该说,什么不该说,以及怎样最大限度地把握每一场谈话。 The following pages offer you the ultimate social guide, with some advice on how to mingle with strangers. You'll learn what to say, what not to say, and how to make the most out of each conversation. 开场白:如何打破沉默 Try breaking the ice 别只顾着低头看鞋,走过去和生人打个招呼。当你意识到自己正与文化背景迥异的人面对面,以下这些开场白将帮你度过尴尬时刻。 Don't just stare at your shoes. Go say "Hi" to that new guy. The ice-breakers that follow will help you get through the embarrassing moments when you find yourself in front of people from different cultures: ...