勘察定损职务 » Their duties will be inspected damage 努力赚钱 » Trying to make money 可惜的是,随着社会震荡,我们中国人的君子精神已经被自己抛弃。
They created Wall Street Journal Online, which is WSJ.com, and they were trying to make money off of that, but people weren't willing to pay for it.
他们创建了《华尔街日报在线》,也就是 WSJ.com 网站,他们试图从中赚钱,但是人们不愿意为此付钱。
Why don't they stop trying to make money, then?
"But I'm trying to make money from my art?!", you object.
“但是,我只是想从我的艺术品中赚钱? !”你反对道。
So, they created Wall Street Journal Online, which is WSJ.com, and they were trying to make money off of that, but people weren't willing to pay for it.
But if you were to make the mistake of trying to spend Boston money in New Haven they would get out Van Court's and then they would read the discount.